Want to write for Thither?
Every week, we publish engaging travel articles and reviews. We’re always looking for contributors.
Types Of Articles We’re Looking For:
- Reviews – usually 600-1,000 word reviews of travel related products
- Packing Lists – what to pack when traveling to certain destinations for 1-2 weeks, around 1,000 words
- Expert Advice – your travel tips and advice on a destination, packing, or any general travel tips, 500-1,000 words
- Travel Experiences – first person stories about your travels and particular destinations, 800-1,200 words
Do You Have What It Takes?
Here are some qualities we’re looking for in our writers:
- Travel Experience: We want writers who can draw from their real life travel experiences and provide expert advice.
- Passion: Are you passionate about travel and or a certain destination?
- Writing Experience: Have you written travel articles and reviews? We’d love to see your article samples and previous work. You don’t have to have a byline in the NY Times, but we always like it when our writers take the initiative.
What You’ll Get:
- Exposure – when writing for Thither, you’ll be able to share your tips and advice with our readers
- Writers will receive a byline
- A short bio and a link to your blog and or social media accounts if applicable
- We’ll also share the article across our social media accounts and give you a shoutout. (After we publish your article, please share it on your social media platforms as well 😀 )
At the moment, we’re not offering paid writing positions, however we will be open to this in the future.
How To Write For Thither:
Send us an email! Please include the following things:
- Your name
- Where you are located
- Author bio – a short 100-word or less bio about you written in 3rd person
- Link to your personal website (if applicable)
- Links to your social media accounts
- Links to writing samples (if applicable)
- 3 potential titles for articles you would like to write for Thither
We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Or if you don’t like contact forms, email jonathan@thetravelgearreviews.com.
For more information about the site and our vision, visit our about page.
Other Information:
- When writing for Thither, you agree to allow us to edit your article accordingly
- In relevant articles, the writer allows for Thither to use affiliate links, which help to fund the site
- Please send us only unique articles that have not been previously published on other websites or platforms
If you are a brand looking to be featured on Thither, please visit our ‘Work With Us‘ page.